School Engagement

Student Workshops
Career Awareness
This interactive session aims to help students understand what a career is all about, the good and the challenges faced, the route to the career. It explores all the possible career options open from a given stream of subjects. It gives the students a realistic preview of what to expect as they study the course leading to the career and how to prepare for admission.
Stream Selection
The choice of stream is the first step towards a preferred career. The options open to each stream and the options open to all, independent of stream is the focus of this session. Aim is to help students make an informed choice.
Group Discussion Preparation
Group Discussion is not just sitting in a group and talking. This session elaborates on the do’s and don’ts of participating in a Group Discussion. Group Discussions are fast becoming a part of college admission process and it pays to be aware of how to handle oneself as one interacts in the group.
Personal Interview Preparation
A personal interview is the norm followed for admission process for many good colleges/institutes and a prerequisite of getting a job. This session helps the students understand what to expect and how to prepare to showcase their strengths and work on their challenge areas.
Admission Exam Preparation
Entrance exam preparation is part of college admissions planning. This session will give the students a head-start by providing guidance on how they can balance the school academics and preparation of the entrance exams and do justice to both.
Study Skills
Principles taken from psychology to address a systematic approach to studying. This session takes the students through steps to enhance retention and recall of the studied material and how to incorporate an easy to stick to study routine. Happy Studying is no more an oxymoron.
Goal Setting
To know what you want is good, to know WHY you want it is better. The WHY sets the pace for the steps to be taken. This session helps the students understand how to set SMART goals and plan well to achieve them, one step at a time.
Time Management
Time is the non-renewable resource allocated to all equally. This session takes the students through practical steps to become aware of how to best utilise the time in hand. The exercises equip the students to set priorities and take a realistic view of how a day can be organised.
Gender and Cultural Sensitivity
Do unto others as you would want them to do to you. The need for acceptance and tolerance has never been felt more keenly than today. In the ever-evolving world one needs to be sensitive to the sensibilities of those around us. This session sensitizes the students towards the appropriate attitude and behaviour in a multicultural environment.
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Man is a social being and most of our day is spent in the company of others. The skill of putting thoughts into words and then putting those words across for the message to be conveyed is the aim of this session. May you mean what you say and say what you mean.
Emotional Intelligence
All learning has emotional base – Plato. Self-awareness is a prerequisite for recognising, understanding and handling emotions of self. And that is the prerequisite for understanding and handling emotions of others. This session guides the students to be more emotionally aware of self and others.
As per the School Requirement
Each school is unique with a special culture and identity of its own. Every school strives to provide a safe environmentfor students, teachers and the non-academic staff. An environment conducive to the personal and academic growth of every student, and professional satisfaction for every teacher. Withinspiration collaborates with the school to understand the individual requirement and prepares customised workshops to address the same.
Please feel free to contact us for a discussion on customised training for the students / teachers / non-academic staff.
Teacher Workshops
Effective Teaching Strategies based on Multiple Intelligence and Learning Styles
The endeavour of making the classroom a comfortable learning zone for all is the pivot of this session. Practical tips to help address students of varied dominant learning style keeping in mind the fundamentals of Multiple Intelligence makes this session interactive and engaging.
The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback
Bill Gates said, “We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.” Giving and receiving feedback is a major component of a teacher’s day. This session guides the teachers on how to do so constructively and how to respond appropriately.
Dual role of Being a Counsellor
A teacher’s presence and word can have a huge impact and ripple effect in the student’s life. All teachers can be seen as de facto counsellors. It is challenging to carry the mantle of being a teacher and a counsellor. This interactive session sensitises the teachers of this challenge and guides them in being mindfully present for the students as they share their vulnerabilities.
Communication Skills
Of all the professionals, teachers probably rank amongst the highest in the per day interactions. Communication skill is the most important tool for a teacher. The teacher interacts with students, fellow teachers and parents. This session is full of practical tips on how to stay calm and convey one’s thoughts in the myriad of interactions one has.
Emotional Intelligence
Self-awareness is a prerequisite for recognising, understanding and handling emotions of self. And that is the prerequisite for understanding and handling emotions of others. This session guides the teachers to be more emotionally aware of self and others and how to use this information while interacting with the others. It helps the teachers in being more mindful and present in their interactions.
As per the school requirement
Each school is unique with a special culture and identity of its own. Every school strives to provide a safe environment for students, teachers and the non-academic staff. An environment conducive to the personal and academic growth of every student, and professional satisfaction for every teacher. Withinspiration collaborates with the school to understand the individual requirement and prepares customised workshops to address the same.
Please feel free to contact us for a discussion on customised training for the students / teachers / non-academic staff.