My Story

I genuinely believe - You are more than what you think


My Mantra-Growth

We are all creative beings, wired to be forward moving. And I believe all the resources for growth are within. To help others realise and utilise these resources has been the driving force for all the work that I do

A psychologist, counsellor, life coach, trainer, teacher - after more than 16 years of interacting with people across age groups and professions - I finally see myself as a facilitator for growth. My passion for understanding and helping people, lead me to learn more about both. Certified NLP Master Life Coach, Certified Consultant for Dermatoglyphic Neuroscientific Evaluation, Masters in Applied Psychology, PGDip in Guidance and Counselling, B.Ed – working with and for people, is all I have ever done and ever want to do.

“You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself.”

-- Galileo Galilei

Self exploration has been an constant endeavour, figuring out what and how I wanted to be personally and professionally. It can be daunting, as all the questions and the answers within. A ball of wool can't untangle itself. Working with tools like NLP and DNE, understanding of self became easier and acceptance of the strengths and challenges possible. All then that was left to do was to walk the talk. The desire to provide a road-map to the others on a similar journey gave birth to WithInspiration.

Someone who can help!

My journey lead me to realise - It is all within. The more I acknowledged my innate strengths and tackled the self imposed roadblocks, the more I recognised the value of support. Sincere gratitude to all those people who supported me and to all those people who allowed me to support them.

Self discovery and development is an on-going process, a never ending journey. I feel privileged to support and guide others along the way. In this process I find the ‘better me’ in every interaction I have.

Believe you can and you are halfway there.

I have been fortunate to have found my calling. The gravitational pull of all the personal development books and study of psychology has culminated in the passion for Coaching, Training and Counselling.

Like Gandhi said,
“Be the change you want to see”

And practicing what I preach, each day I continue to realise and utilise my potential, and be better human being.