Decisions. We make them every single moment of the day, it is inevitable. We make them even when we don't realise we are doing so. Every time we say yes to one thing/thought/action we have said no to another. Decisions have power. They can take us towards our ambitions/goals or hold us back. Decisions empower or limit us. And this is irrespective of the size of the decision. We make them, they make us, its a never ending loop.
What makes a thought a decision is the action that follows it. A decision without an action is a preference, a wish, a wanna-be decision. For example, you wish/want to wake up at 5:30 am as opposed to sleeping in. The want of wake up at 5:30 am remains an I-wish if you sleep in the next morning. Sleeping inĀ becomes a decision because it was followed by the action of pressing the snooze button and sleeping more.
Every decision that we make counts and contributes to who we are. We are a sum total of the decisions we've made, consciously or unconsciously.
Let's start being aware of the ones we are making on a daily basis and of those we've already made. Examine the decisions that may be holding you back. For example, I will not be able to understand this concept, I cannot handle the new technology, I am stuck with this job/relationship and so on. These are limiting decisions and they can be challenged. Being aware is the first step.
We have the choice and the power to change what doesn't serve us.
Step One - Be conscious of your decisions.
Step Two - Identify as empowering or limiting.
Step Three - Decide to change
Step Four - Take action in the the direction of that change.
Move Forward WithInspiration.